Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to Attract Women - Tips from a Woman !

how to attract women

Document Every man on earth wants to be what the ladies are looking for, and how to attract women. If you want to become what the girls are looking for, then read on to find out how to attract women. We have listed ten of the qualities that every woman is looking for in a guy.and that is how to attract women
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Honesty - According to women, the most attractive quality that a man could possess is to be honest and straight forward. Honesty is the most important quality that ANY woman is looking for in a man!

Intelligence - Women do not like stupid men! It is a fact that cannot be escaped. If you do not know about a certain subject, be honest rather than make yourself look like a fool.

Nice smile - The girls love a man with a great smile. If you have issues with your pearly-not-so whites, then have them seen too.

A sense of humor - Make her laugh! Everyone likes to laugh at a good joke once in a while. Just remember not to make her the topic of the joke. Google, Google, Google!
Must trait on to attract women

A man with manners - Having manners shows her that you actually respect her and are not just there for one thing only.

Sincerity - Be sincere in everything you do and say. If you lie about something or pretend to be interested it WILL backfire on you at some point.

Having a decent job - Unless you are a millionaire, you do not stand much chance of attracting any women. No woman is going to be happy to support you, unless they are completely insane or very desperate.

Have your own place - Sorry, but there is NO way that you can expect to find a girl who is willing to share your space with your mother. Living with your parents is only acceptable for so long!

Have your own car - You cannot ask a woman out on a date and expect her to come pick you up. That is only okay if you are too young to get a drivers license.

Be considerate - Even though it is 2012, women still like it when a man opens a door for her! Taking her feeling into consideration is also a very important factor to remember.

With all that said, there are another few important things to take into consideration when you are thinking about how to attract women.

Look after yourself and your appearance. Make sure that you shave before attempting to interact with ladies, be presentable and clean. We are not saying that you have to pitch up in a suit, simply that you should be dressed accordingly.

Take time to find out what ladies enjoy doing and try to chat about their interests instead of talking about yourself the entire evening. Do not show off, just be yourself - it will get you a lot further than trying to be the center of attention!
And last, but not least, do not phone women constantly - the only thing that you will end up with is a restraining order! This is the basic rules of how to attract women.